Sunday, March 25, 2012
New Blog!!
So I have a new blog (which I actually update)! Come check me out!
See ya there!!
Monday, May 4, 2009

Thanks to those that helped me out and provided me with some great feedback.
I was at the Summit of Awesome all weekend and will be doing some blog postings about what I learned as well as providing resources for individuals hoping to sell items online or in stores.
Happy Monday Everyone!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Fabulous Give-away!!
Why yes dear reader I am. And believe me....fabulous is only the beginning.
Brief story: February of 2009 - Nomsa opens for business on etsy. The store struggles a bit selling this and that...taking crummy photos....not describing items enough....but eventually Ashlee gets a bit better at doing things, spends time reading up on marketing and business and viola...Nomsa is up and running. Hip Hip Hooray! The thing is though...I can obviously improve in many ways. So I need your help. And for your help, you can hopefully get fabulous prizes. Yes....plural.
I will give you any two items in my store that you want. Anything.
*The only exclusion are 'Reserved' listings because someone has specially ordered that item, so I can't give you what is already someone else's. *
So here's the deal. I am giving each of you a chance at three entries to this contest. Do one, do all three. It's totally up to you.
1) Take a look at my store. Leave me a comment here on my blog letting me know what two things you are currently lusting over. These will be the items that you will win if chosen. Entry #1
2) Take a look at my store. Critique it. Tell me something I can improve upon. Bad lighting in photos, wrong prices, poor descriptions? Leave me a comment and tell me. I will put on my big girl panties and take it. Entry #2
3) Tell your social media networks about this give-away. Blog about it, twitter it, put it on facebook, myspace. Whatever your thing it. Leave me a comment with your blog link, twitter name, or whatever so I can see where you mentioned it. Entry #3.
* Now I am going to use to pick a number for the winner. So let's say I get 100 comments. might choose number 73. Comment 73 wins! So it's important that you leave three SEPARATE comments so you can have three separate entries. Get it?
* Make sure to put your contact info somewhere in one of your comments so I can ship your items to you. I totally don't mind sending one thing to one place, one thing to another. Maybe you want to keep one thing for yourself, give the other thing to your mom, bff or teenager. No problem. You pick the items, you pick the addresses. By the way, it's totally cool to keep both items for yourself.
* I will pick the winner at Noon EST on Monday, May 4th. Make sure you have all your entries in my then. If the winner and I are able to get in contact with each other quickly, I will make sure your items go out on Tuesday so you can have the option of giving one of the items away for Mother's Day (May 10th)
* This give-away is open to anyone anywhere in the world. Let me hear it for my Polish Peeps!!
Questions about the contest? Custom orders? Want to send me love letters? My email is Also, you can follow me on twitter. My username is nomsaknits.
Alright my lovelies....good luck, have fun and thanks!!
Oh yeah....Here's my store....

PS...This is how excited I am about this!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
So those are some basic pictures of where I am getting five months....gulp. I have a lot to do still. I have found the invitations that I am going to get though. I am just waiting on some final details before getting them though. Here is a link to their etsy listing though...
Um let's see....what else is new....Oh....despite my blog post earlier making fun of twitter....I am now on it.....don't worry, I have already realized my hypocrisy and it tastes good.
If you are hip like me, follow me....
I am not promising excitement...but perhaps an observation or statement might make you laugh every now and again.
Okay...really quick, I have to throw in one shameless plug. I am encroaching upon 100 sales in my etsy store. Yippee! It's been only a little longer than two months and it is going better than I could have imagined. Thanks so much if you were one of those fabulous customers, and if you weren't....check it out. You might like it. You might not.
One last thing....I highly recommend the band MGMT. I am listening to them right now and if I did drugs...I would do them to this music. They are that good. They could be the 'Grateful Dead' of the twenty-something generation.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Etsy Day!!
If you have never been to the website before, go take a stroll. They have amazing search features where you can search by craft, locality, color or fabulous key words (i.e.
Support handmade. It's awesome, cool and unique. Just like you!
Oh yeah...if you want, you could check out my store as well. I think it's pretty cool. - to celebrate etsy day in style I am offering FREE SHIPPING to anywhere in the world for all orders placed today. Pretty sweet huh?
Not an Etsy member? Click here to sign up! It's easy & FREE!
Never shopped on Etsy? - Here is a helpful guide:
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Biting off Chocolate Bunny Heads...
To celebrate the holiday that gives me a sugar rush like no other, I have decided to offer FREE SHIPPING to everyone in the continental US. If you live outside the US, I am offering heavily discounted shipping rates (75% off).
I think it's a lovely idea. It's especially nice because my new feather headbands have a higher shipping rate due to it's unique shape.
"Nomsa....are you saying that I can get a beautiful, hip and positively fabulous feather headband for just $15.00 without having to pay S&H?!?!"
Why yes rhetorical reader....I am saying just that.
Check out the goods!
Letters to the nameless people in my life
Thank you for always smiling at me when I buy my kombucha from you. You make nice polite conversation and have a nice smile.
Dear Lady who cuts her hair in our work bathroom,
I have been noticing lots of hair clippings in our bathroom lately? Are you trying out a new style? Do you like change? What makes you cut your hair during the middle of the work day? Also, could you please clean the counter/sink when you are done? Your clippings are yicky.
Dear Homeless Man near Metro,
Sorry I didn't knit you a hat this winter. I meant to...but I got selfish and busy. I am sorry. I hope other people are nice to you.
Dear Shy Man at Au Pain last week,
Thanks for your business card. I am sorry but I will not be calling you. You were very nice but I am in love with my boy. Thanks anyway though. I thought it was cute how nervous you are.
Dear Metro Riders,
Please don't judge me as I sit huddled over reading twilight. Yes...I am 23. Yes...I am reading a teen romance/thriller. Yes....I know how silly I might look.
Dear Security Guards at my apartment,
Thank you for making me feel safe. Our building is scary but I know that you are working hard so thank you. I will bake you cookies one day as thanks.
Dear Emergency Room Doctor,
Thanks for being nice to me and rubbing my back after you made me cry. I am sorry I cried. I got startled and you pressed hard on my sore areas. You were the nicest thing about Howard University hospital.
Dear Mail Lady,
Thank you for being the craziest mail lady ever. You march to your own beat and cause me to stare everytime I see you PS...I love your wig.
Dear Chopt Salad Boy,
You are a hard worker and very sweet. Thanks for remembering me each time I come in and telling me you can't wait to see me again. I like seeing you too!